Helpline +7 (775) 007 27 01
+7 (775) 007 27 01 - hotline (for reporting corruption and fraudulent activities, anonymity is guaranteed)
Working hours: from 9:00 to 18:30, break: from 13:00 to 14:30.
Sat, Sun - days off.

Head of the Anti-Corruption Compliance Service Salykov T.Zh:
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The Agricultural Credit Corporation finances investment projects in priority areas of development of the agro-industrial complex.

To date, the corporation has financed 467 investment projects worth 552.6 billion tenge.

Since 2023, in order to simplify the process of reviewing large investment projects, the Corporation has introduced a two-stage procedure for reviewing projects.

Process of consideration of investment projects with a financing amount of more than 500.0 million tenge

Stage 1

At the first stage, an indicative examination is carried out on the basis of a minimum package of documents to determine indicative conditions. The procedure for accepting and considering applications from potential borrowers at the first stage: security expertise; determination of the cost of collateral (without withdrawal); construction and industry expertise in terms of the validity of the technological cycle, price adequacy, infrastructure assessment; indicative examination going to the place of business; risk management coordination; at the second stage, decide on the possibility of consideration.

Stage 2

At the second stage, a review and analysis of the possibility of financing the applicant and the investment project is carried out. The procedure for considering applications from potential borrowers at the second stage: examination of collateral with inspection of the property offered for collateral; Legal expertise; construction and industry expertise; credit examination at the second stage; examination of credit risks; making a decision on financing.

Direction Number of projects The cost of the project Funding amount Power
Tons Heads Ga Units/pieces
МТФ 78 108 250 64 579 242 083 27 481 0 0
Теплицы 58 86 393 64 980 84 289 0 185 0
Сады 47 48 863 36 515 129 643 0 3 599 0
Репродукторы 35 59 347 46 245 709 85 865 0 0
Плодоовощехранилища 51 26 499 17 367 526 001 0 0 0
Орошение 48 21 739 16 046 226 109 0 18 247 0
Птицеводство 19 47 35 101 0 0 165 249 165
Переработка сельхозсырья 84 104 123 70 697 2 437 882 0 0 0
Откормочные площадки 40 38 847 33 272 22 110 124 208 0 0
Кормопроизводство 6 10 584 6 385 190 520 0 0 0
Рыбоводство/производство рыбной продукции 1 256 90 26 0 0 0
Сборка с/х техники, оборудования 3 3 605 1 963 0 0 0 5 625
Несельскохозяйственный бизнес 3 116 98 14 0 0 200
Семяочистительные пункты 1 462 345 21 120 0 0 0
Total 474 556 786 394 073 3 981 571 237 554 22 031 165 254 990