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Qazaqstan NTA. "Yrystyn kazygy": Pavlodar - Aktau

Qazaqstan NTA. "Yrystyn kazygy": Mangistau-Kostanay

Qazaqstan NTA "Yrys kazygy": Nur-Sultan-Taraz.

The business that started with five mares

Success stories with Agrocredit: Dinmukhammed Kulyntaev opened fast food

The number of farms engaged in livestock breeding is growing in the Atyrau region

Kazakhstan Field Day "Jańa Dala/GreenDay 2022"

Small business support

20 years of cooperation. Vladimir Gerdt, Akkayinsky district

Time for change: reforms in Baiterek or how is the holding being transformed?

"AgroFood" applied for credit support in JSC "Agrarian Credit Corporation"

In Almaty region, farmers estimated the yield of 2017